A sixteen year odyssey across the backroads of America during the ultimate College Football roadtrip.

Category: News & Updates (Page 2 of 4)

Let the planning begin…

It’s never to early to start thinking about next year, and based on some feedback I’ve received here is the list of teams that may be on the docket… All of these are reachable from St. Louis, or have been prearranged with some of my cohorts.

Higher Priority:

Iowa State
Mississippi State
Notre Dame
Ole Miss

Time Allowing:

Arkansas State
Middle Tennessee
Northern Illinois
Western Kentucky

Thoughts? Suggestions? Let me hear them…

Drugs are sumptuous, and certain people cannot get the medicaments they need. Certain drugs are mostly used to treat varied types of infection caused by certain types of bacteria, such as tonsillitis and infections of the throat. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you probably know about http://isviagraoverthecounter.com/Male-Enhancement-Pills.html. What are side effects of Cialis? There are different drugs for male impotence cure. Very likely Male Enhancement Pills Over the Counter is a very complicated topic. More information about Cialis available at best male enhancement pills over the counter. While the generic is credited with improving nausea, it may also kill the mood in bedroom. All kinds of medications, from those that are considered ‘all natural’ to those that are chemically produced in a laboratory, may cause some kind of aftereffects.

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The Pigskin Pursuit has moved!!!

A new career opportunity has taken me to the great city of St. Louis!!!

Though I am still getting settled here, I wanted to involve some of my readers in the planning process for next year. It is certainly bittersweet leaving my beloved Texas, and all the incredible College Football and Barbecue that the state claims. Though rest assured, I will be back for plenty of visits. However, the city of St. Louis and broader Missouri is no slouch either, and I’m already excited about a completely blank canvas of new venues, teams and BBQ joints to explore.

I already have three games on the schedule for next year, but the rest are still a blank canvas and I’m looking for suggestions from my new location.

2011 Proposed Schedule
October 15th: Tennessee (LSU)
October 22nd: Notre Dame (USC)
November 26th: Auburn (Alabama)

As such, I would love to hear from some folks out there about ideas, schools and teams for next year. Geographically, within a six hour radius, St. Louis offers access to three big conferences: The Big 12, The Big Ten and the SEC along with a handful of other schools. I want to hear from you!

So please email or comment on this post with your suggestions on interesting places for the Pigskin Pursuit to head next year!

Drugs are sumptuous, and certain men cannot get the medicaments they need. Certain drugs are ordinarily used to treat varied types of infection caused by definite types of bacteria, such as tonsillitis and infections of the throat. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you probably know about http://isviagraoverthecounter.com/Male-Enhancement-Pills.html. What are side effects of Cialis? There are different drugs for male impotency cure. Very likely Male Enhancement Pills Over the Counter is a very complicated topic. More data about Cialis available at best male enhancement pills over the counter. While the generic is credited with improving nausea, it may also kill the mood in bedroom. All kinds of medications, from those that are mature ‘all natural’ to those that are chemically produced in a laboratory, may cause some kind of aftereffects.

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Posts are coming….

The New York posts are on their way. Obviously, with the holiday week and some of the extensive travel that I had planned, I’m a little behind. The Thanksgiving trips were amazing, to say the least, so look for those shortly.

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