A sixteen year odyssey across the backroads of America during the ultimate College Football roadtrip.

Tag: Big 12 (Page 8 of 9)

Wake n’ Steak

On the way back through Oklahoma City on Sunday morning, we stopped for a late breakfast at the widely renowned Cattleman’s Steakhouse.With a name like Cattleman’s and a history dating back to 1910, the wheel on the Jetta instinctively started jerking strongly in the direction of the Oklahoma legend.And, naturally we obliged for a visit.



The breakfast is, as one would expect, traditional and straightforward.There is nothing too noteworthy to report here, other than the fact that Cattlemans offers about a dozen different steaks on their breakfast menu for you to crack a few eggs over.Were it later in the day I may have opted for the “Presidential T-Bone”, instead I settled on the more manageable breakfast steak and my coronary arteries thanked me.


The inside of Cattleman’s tells a long and storied tradition about the heart of the Oklahoma City stockyards, and you would be well received in the dusky comfort of dark wood paneling and plush red booths.

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King of the Road

In a food world increasingly proliferated by an onslaught of posh “gourmet” takes on the hamburger, there is something gratifying about the honest simplicity of the burgers at Hamburger King.If you’re looking for pretension in your burger, keep on driving because, refreshingly, you won’t find it here.Just uncomplicated ground beef patties, cheese, bacon, some lettuce, tomato and a couple of condiments assembled in the same fashion they have since 1927.



A burger diner eighty years ago, and a burger diner today, this place has endured for the hungry rancher or the ferreting nostalgist alike.Not much else has changed at Hamburger King in that time, and gladly one of the remnants of days gone by is the unique phone ordering system still in place.After glancing at the basic menu, you pick up the solitary red telephone at your booth and phone in your order like a cold war president ordering up a steaming hot plate of nuclear air strike.



Five minutes later your order arrives along with your check.No flagging down a chatty waitress here.Quick, tasty and efficient…..the way it should be.
Any restaurant that’s been flipping burgers for over 82 years and serving them up at an honest price is clearly doing something right, and Hamburger King would be well worth a visit on your next pass through central Oklahoma.



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Ride ’em Cowboys!

This weekend brings us to the great state of Oklahoma!Home to Garth Brooks, tornadoes, The Cowboy Hall of Fame, the worlds’ first parking meter and birthplace of the shopping cart.
As if that distinguished list of accolades weren’t enough to impress you, there is also a little Big 12 school up in Stillwater called Oklahoma State (not to be confused with that other directional school in Norman), where they happen to play an electrifying brand of gun slinging football.

They also happen to have a rather electrifying coach who is no stranger to the art of the press conference rant, and could be considered an aspiring heir to the venerable Bobby Knight throne.


This weekend pits another matchup of two national powerhouses as the 4-1 Oklahoma State Cowboys (#16) shoot it out against the 4-1 Missouri Tigers (UR).

Campus should be buzzing around OSU this weekend given that it’s homecoming, and the ‘Pokes lay claim to one of the largest homecoming reunions in the country.Why anyone would be so eager to make an annual pilgrimage to Stillwater, Oklahoma is debatable, but judging by the throngs of orange clad Cowboy faithful this is a passionate college sports town.

The Cowboys don’t square off against Missouri until 8:15pm, which gives us ample time this week to enjoy the robust tailgating atmosphere on campus and perhaps squeeze in a cocktail or two before kickoff. Many of these plans come courtesy of our friend Laura, a diehard alum, who has promised she will dive headfirst into “Orange Pond” if the ‘Pokes can pull out a victory.

Game tickets, for those of you less inclined to haggle, are still available through the OSU box office.



In addition to the campus tailgating revelry, which I can tell you first hand is quite robust; there are a handful of other drop-ins worthy of merit for this weeks foray into the wide plains of the SoonerState.

Eskimo Joe’s – is a Stillwater institution, and claims to have the #2 most collected t-shirt in the world (behind Hard Rock Cafe’).It’s also been ranked the #3 college sports bar in the US and given their infamous “thirsty Thursday” promotion of five bucks for all you can drink beer, I don’t think we will have any problems cutting loose in this joint on Saturday.


And for the first time during the CFB, I am torn between roadside cuisine choices, both of which are found in Shawnee, Oklahoma. On one side we have a place with the words “Pig Stand” in the name, and on the other is “Hamburger King”.My head might explode with anticipation.

Van’s Pig Stand


Hamburger King


Well I’d say that’s a pretty full agenda, and I personally am looking forward to my return trip to Stillwater to see what other adventures we can stumble upon this time.

Saddle up and come with!

Drugs are sumptuous, and certain humanity cannot get the medicaments they need. Certain drugs are as a rule used to treat varied types of infection caused by definite types of bacteria, such as tonsillitis and infections of the throat. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you probably know about http://isviagraoverthecounter.com/Male-Enhancement-Pills.html. What are side effects of Cialis? There are various drugs for male impotence cure. Very likely Male Enhancement Pills Over the Counter is a very complicated topic. More information about Cialis available at best male enhancement pills over the counter. While the generic is credited with improving nausea, it may also kill the mood in bedroom. All kinds of medications, from those that are considered ‘all natural’ to those that are chemically produced in a laboratory, may cause some kind of aftereffects.

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Get your guns up!!!

My stomach topped and finally appeased after a formidable meal from Spanky’s, we began our waddle down the sidewalk in search of game tickets, as kickoff was scheduled in another hour or so.

Among the unique Tech traditions that we stumbled across was the wrapping of the “Into the Sunset Statue” of Will Rogers and his trusty steed Soapsuds.The statue is wrapped in red crepe paper before every home game by the Saddle Tramps (a TT all male spirit organization).I’ll also give you one guess as to which certain Texas school the “Southeast” END of this “Northwest” bound horse is facing.

Scrounging for tickets at Texas Tech was almost too easy to be of any real sport.One of the scalpers gruffly proclaiming “things out here are tough today, there just aren’t a lot of extras for this game” was almost too comical to laugh.Unfortunately for him, the statement rang a bit hollow after I had already witnessed a half dozen or so people waving tickets around in a quick 5 minute walk.We even had a guy offer us a FREE single ticket, just so someone would use it.We quickly made our way to the Southwest corner of the stadium and were greeted by a sea of tickets thrust into the air for auction.

After perusing a handful of upper tier options, we quickly snatched up 2 two tickets in the 19th row of the lower bowl for 20 bucks a pop.Concerned that we had settled too soon, however, Mindy shortly found an older fellow pawning off some of his own boxed seats on the 50 yard line.We snapped those up as well, again for 20 bucks apiece ($39 face value each).Now with two sets of tickets in hand, I faced the dilemma being a seller in a market full of sellers.A quick walk down the concourse (and away from the throngs of people assuming the Statue of Liberty pose) with tickets above my head made quick work of the extras, however, as an eager young Texas Tech fan was thrilled to get them for the exact price I paid for them (20 bucks – We just wanted to sell them quickly and get into the game).

The game itself was a bit odd for a Tech game.Tech could usually be considered one of the most exciting and dynamic offenses in College Football.Typically, watching a Mike Leach offense is comparable to watching a red bull addled 13 year old rattling away on Madden 2009: jittery and lots of flailing.Saturday, however, was anything but, with a rather limp halftime score of 14-7 that left my eyelids getting a little heavy.The Red Raiders picked it up after halftime, however, on the strength of a QB substitution and marched to impressive 48-28 victory.

Overall, the stadium atmosphere was fair.Perhaps the function of a down year for Tech, an uninspiring opponent in New Mexico, and rainy drizzly weather, the 52,909 bodies at Jones AT&T Stadium never really came to life.The fans seemed flat, and unless their seat was on fire, standing was a reluctant rarity.Even the student section appeared uninspired and rather disjointed in sporadic bouts of cheering.On the whole, however, the fans were incredibly nice, polite and classy all the way around.It’s a gratifying pleasure to sit next to the family that you bought your tickets from (rather than a faceless scalper).Don and his wife Tammy were both gracious and knowledgeable hosts, and they treated us like their own for the entire game.

Final Score: Texas Tech 48New Mexico 28

And of course, no post about Texas Tech would be complete without mentioning the infamous bell ringer.I caught a picture of him, but I’ll leave the linked video to do the remainder of explaining….


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