A sixteen year odyssey across the backroads of America during the ultimate College Football roadtrip.

Tag: Breakfast (Page 4 of 4)

Lucky Penny – Penny’s Diner

If its one long standing gripe I’ve had with Texas thus far it’s the seemingly statewide aversion to the classic 24 hour roadside diner.While I can get gut bomb tacos and a shiv to the neck at a shady gas station 24 hours a day, finding an acceptable greasy spoon in this state has proven a rather elusive challenge thus far.

Imagine my delight then, when 30 minutes outside of College Station in a postage stamp of a town called Hearne, I spotted a shimmering oasis of stainless steel and neon edged off the side of Texas State Highway 6.The vaporous glow of Penny’s Diner backlit plastic pierced the black Texas night, and our post game meal was quickly decided.(This was the meal following our Thanksgiving Day game at A&M vs. Texas)

On the inside the Penny’s is every bit as consistent as any diner loving patron would hope for, checkered flooring and stainless steel abound.The no frills menu was a lineup of breakfast, burgers and assorted classic diner fare dished out at affordable prices.I promptly ordered up a three meat egg scramble.The food was simple, quick, tasty and ample.The way honest diner food should be.I don’t think you could order wrong at this place, and Penny’s certainly satisfies.

What I was quite delighted to discover at Penny’s, however, was a true chocolate milkshake.Chocolate shakes are one of the great heavenly libations bestowed upon us, and I consider myself a purveyor of these creamy delights.Unfortunately, the understated art of the chocolate milkshake is, sadly, a dying one, and it’s a rare treat that I find an establishment that knows their way around a steel mixing cup.There are two critical subtleties to a real chocolate shake, both of which were found at Penny’s and make it worthy of my high praise.

1.The shake was made with real ice cream.It’s a shame I even have to mention this, but in our fast paced modern world it seems most shake vendors opt for the shortcut route of making their blasphemous shakes with soft serve ice cream product.

2.The chocolate shake was made with chocolate ice cream.The inferior, bastardized version that many of you may be familiar with involves vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce.How this offensive practice ever became commonplace is a mystery to me, but I for one consider it a pox on the shake world.I ordered a chocolate shake for a reason, and only chocolate ice cream and syrup will properly satiate my chocoholism.

So if you ever find yourself cruising down Highway 6 in Hearne, Texas with a hankering for some classic roadside diner fare, pull on in to Penny’s Diner and settle into a booth for a quick bite.Just don’t forget the chocolate shake…

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War Eagle Mill

I’ll start this off by saying that unless you are *looking* for the War Eagle Mill, chances are you are not going to find the War Eagle Mill.This isn’t exactly the kind of place that you just stumble along on the side of the highway and pop in for a visit.

In fact there were times where I closely resembled a moonshine runner racing from the excise police on twisting, worn out county roads.The agile Jetta streaked through the hills of Northwest Arkansas like a white comet, brazenly ignoring speed limits, narrow bridges and livestock crossing signs.I may have even jumped a crick or two….but I digress.

After crossing what can best be described as a single lane, rickety iron bridge (I’ve built sturdier structures out of toothpicks and Elmers glue) we arrived at the picturesque War Eagle Mill nestled along the bank of the swift flowing War Eagle River.



The War Eagle Mill is a fully restored and operational water powered grain mill, where they still grind daily on grooved European granite millstones. The main drive belt is powered the same way it has been for centuries, by harnessing the current of the WarEagleRiver with an 18 foot undershot cypress waterwheel, believed to be the only operational undershot wheel left in the United States.

You can read a little more about the history of it here:



In addition to the plethora of fresh ground grains, flours and mixes that they have available for bulk purchase, the War Eagle Mill has a cozy little restaurant on the third floor that serves breakfast and lunch daily.Naturally, we came here to sample some of the breakfast fare at the Bean Palace Restaurant.

Most of the breakfast was expectedly straightforward, with the exception of a surprisingly meaty ham steak that gave me a good challenge. The buckwheat waffle was the main attraction however, made from War Eagle’s own stone ground buckwheat flour and adorned with, ahem, maple flavored syrup (insert fake syrup soapbox rant here).Despite the syrup deficiency, the waffle was still delicious, and felt slightly more authentic with the rush of the War Eagle river in the background.

The War Eagle Mill is certainly a bit remote, but the location is what makes it decidedly unique. It’s well worth your time for a visit, a quick bite of food, and a nostalgic glimpse into a bygone era.

Or order up a bag of your favorite flour mix online!


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Wake n’ Steak

On the way back through Oklahoma City on Sunday morning, we stopped for a late breakfast at the widely renowned Cattleman’s Steakhouse.With a name like Cattleman’s and a history dating back to 1910, the wheel on the Jetta instinctively started jerking strongly in the direction of the Oklahoma legend.And, naturally we obliged for a visit.



The breakfast is, as one would expect, traditional and straightforward.There is nothing too noteworthy to report here, other than the fact that Cattlemans offers about a dozen different steaks on their breakfast menu for you to crack a few eggs over.Were it later in the day I may have opted for the “Presidential T-Bone”, instead I settled on the more manageable breakfast steak and my coronary arteries thanked me.


The inside of Cattleman’s tells a long and storied tradition about the heart of the Oklahoma City stockyards, and you would be well received in the dusky comfort of dark wood paneling and plush red booths.

Drugs are sumptuous, and specific people cannot get the medicaments they need. Certain drugs are as a rule used to treat varied types of infection caused by certain types of bacteria, such as tonsillitis and infections of the throat. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you probably know about http://isviagraoverthecounter.com/Male-Enhancement-Pills.html. What are side effects of Cialis? There are various drugs for male emasculation cure. Very likely Male Enhancement Pills Over the Counter is a very complicated topic. More data about Cialis available at best male enhancement pills over the counter. While the generic is credited with improving nausea, it may also kill the mood in bedroom. All kinds of medications, from those that are mature ‘all natural’ to those that are chemically produced in a laboratory, may cause some kind of aftereffects.

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The other side of syrup…

Typically, I wouldn’t write about a simple diner that we stopped for an unassuming and straightforward breakfast, unless of course there was something legendary about their bacon

Dwyer’s café in Lafayette blindsided me, however, with a breakfast innovation previously unknown to me, this time in the world of Syrup.As a hearty New England boy, and having worked for a Maple Sugar operation for over a decade, you might say I have some rather strong and provincial opinions about syrup.Maple syrup specifically, and I stubbornly refuse to let anything other than 100% pure Massachusetts Maple Syrup adorn my breakfast plate.

Sunday morning was a rare exception.After we ordered a couple of unique pancake offerings, buckwheat and sweet potato pancakes, we noticed an unfamiliar offering on the menu: 100% pure Sugar Cane Syrup

Cane Syrup, is of course made from the juices of sugar cane and a quintessential Louisiana delicacy that you likely won’t find anywhere else.The flavor was quite unique, there was the requisite sweetness that you would expect, but there was a surprising peppery/cinnamonish aftertaste to the syrup that actually gave it a little bit of “bite” at the finish.The spicy sweetness paired extremely well with the sweet potato pancakes. (The smoked sausage pictured was no slouch either).

While it won’t displace my hometown affection for Maple Syrup, Sugar Cane Syrup is a classic treat unique to the sugar cane growing southern states.We were delighted to find such a simple, old fashioned regional delicacy with authentic Louisiana heritage.Try some!

Looks like you can order some cane syrup here:


Or read a more in depth article about it here:


Drugs are sumptuous, and definite folk cannot get the medicaments they need. Certain drugs are ordinarily used to treat varied types of infection caused by specific types of bacteria, such as tonsillitis and infections of the throat. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you probably know about http://isviagraoverthecounter.com/Male-Enhancement-Pills.html. What are side effects of Cialis? There are varied drugs for male impotency cure. Very likely Male Enhancement Pills Over the Counter is a very complicated topic. More information about Cialis available at best male enhancement pills over the counter. While the generic is credited with improving nausea, it may also kill the mood in bedroom. All kinds of medications, from those that are elaborate ‘all natural’ to those that are chemically produced in a laboratory, may cause some kind of aftereffects.

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